Sat Apr 13 13:47:28 UTC 2024 beets: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on python-confuse, python-mediafile, python-unidecode, python-musicbrainzngs, python-jellyfish and python-munkres. Optionally depends on python-beautifulsoup4 and python-langdetect for the lyrics plugin. git-filter-repo: Recompiled for python 3.11. gita: Upgraded to Depends on python-argcomplete. gitlint: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on python-arrow and python-click. isrcsubmit: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on python-discid and python-musicbrainzngs. libftdi1: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on confuse. libsmbios: Recompiled for python 3.11. nethogs: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on python-pybind11. pybind11: Removed. Renamed to python-pybind11. python-argcomplete: Added version 3.2.3. Bash tab completion for argparse. python-arrow: Upgraded to 1.3.0. Depends on python-dateutil. python-beautifulsoup4: Upgraded to 4.12.3. Depends on python-soupsieve. python-binaryornot: Recompiled for python 3.11. Recompiled for python 3.11. python-confuse: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-dateutil: Upgraded to 2.9.0.post0. python-debian: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-diff-cover: Upgraded to 8.0.3. python-discid: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-exceptiongroup: Removed. This is included in python 3.11 now. python-flit-scm: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-iniconfig: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-jellyfish: Upgraded to 1.0.3. python-langdetect: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-license-expression: Upgraded to 30.3.0. Depends on python-mediafile: Upgraded to 0.12.0. Depends on python-mutagen. python-munkres: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-musicbrainzngs: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-mutagen: Upgraded to 1.47.0. python-poetry-core: Upgraded to 1.9.0. python-pybind11: Added version 2.12.0. Renamed from pybind11. python-pyrsistent: Removed. python-jsonschema replace this with python-rpds-py. python-pytest: Upgraded to 8.1.1. Depends on python-iniconfig. python-regex: Upgraded to 2023.12.25. python-shtab: Upgraded to 1.7.1. python-soupsieve: Upgraded to 2.5. python-tblib: Upgraded to 3.0.0. python-toml: Removed. This is superceded by the toml module in python 3.11. python-unidecode: Upgraded to 1.3.8. reuse: Upgraded to 3.0.2. Depends on python-binaryornot,, python-license-expression and python-debian. salt-lint: Recompiled for python 3.11. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 3.0.4. Depends on python-click, python-colorama, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib and python-tqdm. Optionally depends on python-diff-cover for the diff-cover plugin. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 7 19:29:57 UTC 2024 check-jsonschema: Upgraded to 0.28.1. Depends on python-click, python-jsonschema, python-regress and python-ruamel.yaml. delta: Upgraded to 0.17.0. Built using its internal copy of libgit2. fd: Upgraded to 9.0.0. fwupd-efi: Upgraded to 1.5. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.9.16. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. just: Upgraded to 1.25.2. libcbor: Upgraded to 0.11.0. libgit2: Removed. delta moves too slow to feasibly use a system libgit2. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.2.1. libmaxminddb: Upgraded to 1.9.1. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.17. python-attrs: Upgraded to 23.2.0. python-backports-tarfile: Added version 1.0.0. Backport of CPython tarfile module. python-click: Upgraded to 8.1.7. python-colorama: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 42.0.5. python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: Upgraded to 24.1.0. python-hatch-vcs: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-jaraco-classes: Added version 3.4.0. Utility functions for Python class constructs. Depends on python-more-itertools. python-jaraco-context: Added version 5.3.0. Useful decorators and context managers Depends on python-backports-tarfile. python-jaraco-functools: Added version 4.0.0. Functools like those found in stdlib. Depends on python-more-itertools. python-jeepney: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.21.1. Depends on python-attrs, python-jsonschema-specifications, python-referencing and python-rpds-py. python-jsonschema-specifications: Upgraded to 2023.12.1. Depends on python-referencing. python-keyring: Upgraded to 25.1.0. Depends on python-jeepney, python-secretstorage, python-jaraco-classes, python-jaraco-context and python-jaraco-functools. python-maturin: Upgraded to 1.5.1. python-more-itertools: Added version 10.2.0. More routines for operating on iterables. python-pefile: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-pydiffx: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-referencing: Upgraded to 0.34.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-rpds-py. python-regress: Added version 0.4.5. Python bindings to Rust's regress ECMA regular expressions library. python-rpds-py: Upgraded to 0.18.0. python-ruamel.yaml: Upgraded to 0.18.6. python-secretstorage: Recompiled for python 3.11. Depends on python-cryptography. python-semantic-version: Recompiled for python 3.11. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.9.0. Depends on python-semantic-version. python-texttable: Upgraded to 1.7.0. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.66.2. rbtools: Upgraded to 4.1. Depends on python-colorama, python-texttable, python-tqdm and python-pydiffx. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 7 09:12:05 UTC 2024 atuin: Upgraded to 18.1.0. bats-core: Upgraded to 1.11.0. binaryen: Added version version_117. Optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly. fzf: Upgraded to 0.49.0. gdu: Upgraded to 5.27.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.21.10. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.46.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.21.8. hugo: Upgraded to 0.124.1. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.6.25. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libbpf: Upgraded to 1.4.0. libcloudproviders: Upgraded to 0.3.6. libgusb: Removed. This is now included in -current. lsd: Upgraded to 1.1.2. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 83.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.12.3. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.10. php-codesniffer: Upgraded to 3.9.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.66. protobuf: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-calver: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-typing-extension: Removed. This is now included in -current. qownnotes: Upgraded to 24.4.0. redis: Upgraded to 7.2.4. ripgrep: Upgraded to 14.1.0. rust-wasm: Added version 1.77.1. WebAssembly targets for Rust. starship: Upgraded to 1.18.2. teleport: Upgraded to 15.2.0. trivy: Upgraded to 0.50.1. typos: Upgraded to 1.20.4. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 7.0.14_6.6.25. wasm-bindgen: Added version 0.2.91. Interoperating JS and Rust code. wasm-pack: Added version 0.12.1. Rust to wasm workflow tool. zoxide: Upgraded to 0.9.4. +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 7 19:41:04 UTC 2024 acpica: Upgraded to 20230628. atuin: Upgraded to 17.2.1. cmark: Upgraded to 0.31.0. ext-php-rs: Upgraded to 0.12.0. fzf: Upgraded to 0.46.0. geoipupdate: Upgraded to 6.1.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.21.4. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.42.1. golang: Upgraded to 1.21.6. gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.132. hugo: Upgraded to 0.122.0. just: Upgraded to 1.23.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.6.15. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libcloudproviders: Upgraded to 0.3.5. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.8.2. libtracefs: Upgraded to 1.8.0. Depends on libtraceevent. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 81.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.11.1. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.8. php-codesniffer: Upgraded to 3.8.1. php-http: Recompiled for icu4c-74.2. Depends on php-raphf. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.3.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.57. python-editables: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-hatchling: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-pathspec: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-pluggy: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-trove-classifiers: Removed. This is now included in -current. scribus: Upgraded to 1.6.1. teleport: Upgraded to 14.3.3. terraform: Upgraded to 1.7.1. trivy: Upgraded to 0.48.3. typos: Upgraded to 1.17.2. virtualbox: Upgraded to 7.0.14. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 7.0.10. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 7.0.14_6.6.15. xq: Upgraded to 1.2.4. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 29 16:55:36 UTC 2023 atuin: Added version 17.0.1. Magical shell history. ext-php-rs: Added version 0.11.2. Bindings for the Zend API to build PHP extensions in Rust. fd: Upgraded to 8.7.1. fzf: Upgraded to 0.44.1. gi-docgen: Removed. This is now included in -current. gitea: Upgraded to 1.21.1. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.39.2. hyperfine: Added version 1.18.0. A command-line benchmarking tool. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.64. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libbpf: Upgraded to 1.3.0. libmaxminddb: Upgraded to 1.8.0. php-apcu: Upgraded to 5.1.23. php-autoload_psr: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-http: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. Depends on php-raphf. php-imagick: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-msgpack: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-oauth: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-raphf: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-redis: Upgraded to 6.0.2. php-ssh2: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-uopz: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-uuid: Recompiled for php-8.3.0. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.3.0alpha3. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.46. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 41.0.7. python-hatch-vcs: Upgraded to 0.4.0. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.20.0. Depends on python-attrs, python-jsonschema-specifications, python-referencing and python-rpds-py. python-jsonschema-specifications: Upgraded to 2023.11.1. python-maturin: Upgraded to 1.3.2. Depends on python-setuptools-rust. python-referencing: Upgraded to 0.31.0. python-rpds-py: Upgraded to 0.13.1. python-smartypants: Removed. This is now included in -current. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.11.29. Depends on python-calver. python-typogrify: Removed. This is now included in -current. ripgrep: Added version 14.0.1. A line-oriented search tool. starship: Upgraded to 1.16.0. terraform: Upgraded to 1.6.5. teleport: Upgraded to 14.2.0. thermald: Upgraded to 2.5.4. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.144_6.1.64. zoxide: Upgraded to 0.9.2. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 15 20:15:48 UTC 2023 gitea: Upgraded to 1.21.0. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.39.1. gmailctl: Upgraded to 0.10.7. just: Upgraded to 1.16.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.62. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.5. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.62. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 8 20:59:35 UTC 2023 golang: Upgraded to 1.21.4. graphviz: Upgraded to 9.0.0. hugo: Upgraded to 0.120.4. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.61. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.4. php-http: Upgraded to 4.2.4. Depends on php-raphf. scribus: Recompiled for icu4c-74.1 and poppler-23.11.0. terraform: Upgraded to 1.6.3. trivy: Upgraded to 0.47.0. typos: Upgraded to 1.16.23. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.61. xq: Upgraded to 1.2.3. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 1 17:25:10 UTC 2023 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.9.7. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. gitea: Upgraded to 1.20.5. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.38.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.21.3. hugo: Upgraded to 0.120.2. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.3.12. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 23.3.5. Depends on intel-gmmlib. iotop-c: Upgraded to 1.25. just: Upgraded to 1.15.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.60. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libcloudproviders: Upgraded to 0.3.4. libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.7. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 80.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.10.1. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.40. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.19.2. Depends on python-attrs, python-jsonschema-specifications, python-referencing and python-rpds-py. python-maturin: Upgraded to 1.3.1. Depends on python-setuptools-rust. python-pluggy: Upgraded to 1.3.0. python-rpds-py: Upgraded to 0.10.6. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.8.1. Depends on python-semantic-version. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.10.18. Depends on python-calver. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.11.0. redis: Upgraded to 7.2.3. rust-analyzer: Removed. This is now included in the rust package in -current. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.3.5. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 14.1.1. terraform: Upgraded to 1.6.2. trivy: Upgraded to 0.46.1. typos: Upgraded to 1.16.21. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.60. +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 20 17:55:32 UTC 2023 bats-file: Upgraded to 0.4.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.20.4. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.35.0. gitqlient: Upgraded to 1.6.2. golang: Upgraded to 1.21.1. hugo: Recompiled. Fixed location of bash completions. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.54. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.10.0. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.35. rust-analyzer: Upgraded to 20230918. teleport: Upgraded to 13.3.8. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.7. trivy: Upgraded to 0.45.1. typos: Upgraded to 1.16.12. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.54. +--------------------------+ Sun Sep 3 11:12:48 UTC 2023 hugo: Upgraded to 0.118.2. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.51. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. lsd: Upgraded to 1.0.0. rust-analyzer: Upgraded to 20230828. trivy: Upgraded to 0.45.0. typos: Upgraded to 1.16.10. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.51. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 30 19:21:38 UTC 2023 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.9.4. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. gcab: Upgraded to 1.6. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.49. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.14. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.9.3. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.32. python-build: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. python-flit-core: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. python-installer: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. python-jsonschema-specifications: Added version 2023.7.1. JSON Schema Registry. Depends on python-referencing. python-lxml: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. python-maturin: Upgraded to 1.2.3. Depends on python-setuptools-rust. python-pyproject-hooks: Removed This is now part of slackware-current. python-referencing: Added version 0.30.2. Python library for JSON reference resolution. Depends on python-attrs and python-rpds-py. python-rpds-py: Added version 0.10.0. Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.7.0. python-tomli-w: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. python-wheel: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.8.2. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.3.1. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 13.3.7. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.6. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.49. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 23 19:05:46 UTC 2023 gitea: Upgraded to 1.20.3. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.33.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.21.0. hugo: Upgraded to 0.117.0. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.3.10. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 23.2.4. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.46. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 79.0. Depends on cmark. phpdraft: Upgraded to 2.5.2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.30. python-editables: Upgraded to 0.5. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.19.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.11.2. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.66.1. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.8.7. Depends on python-calver. rust-analyzer: Upgraded to 20230821. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.3.0. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 13.3.5. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.5. trivy: Upgraded to 0.44.1. typos: Added version 1.16.8. Source code spell checker. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.46. +--------------------------+ Wed Jul 26 16:35:24 UTC 2023 bats-core: Upgraded to 1.10.0. gita: Added version Manage multiple git repos with sanity. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.32.1. hiredis: Upgraded to 1.2.0. just: Upgraded to 1.14.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.41. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 78.0. Depends on cmark. php-msgpack: Upgraded to 2.2.0. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.2.2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.26. python-click: Upgraded to 8.1.6. python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: Upgraded to 23.1.0. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.18.4. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.12. reuse: Upgraded to 2.1.0. Depends on python-binaryornot,, python-debian, and python-license-expression. rust-analyzer: Upgraded to 20230724. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.1.4. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 13.2.3. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.3. trivy: Added version 0.43.1. A comprehensive and versatile security scanner. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.41. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 23 17:19:49 UTC 2023 geoipupdate: Upgraded to 6.0.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.20.1. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.6. hugo: Upgraded to 0.115.4. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.39. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libbpf: Upgraded to 1.2.2. python-editables: Upgraded to 0.4. python-poetry-core: Upgraded to 1.6.1. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.7.6. Depends on python-calver. python-wheel: Upgraded to 0.41.0. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.39. xq: Upgraded to 1.2.1. +--------------------------+ Wed Jul 5 12:08:30 UTC 2023 gitea: Upgraded to 1.19.4. graphviz: Recompiled against poppler-23.07.0 and perl-5.38.0. hugo: Upgraded to 0.115.1. kernel-tools: Recompiled against perl-5.38.0. nginx: Recompiled against perl-5.38.0. Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module). phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.23. rust-analyzer: Upgraded to 20230703. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.1.2. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 2 18:21:52 UTC 2023 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.9.2. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.42.0. gdu: Upgraded to 5.25.0. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.31.0. graphviz: Upgraded to 8.0.5. hugo: Upgraded to 0.115.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.37. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.6. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.1.14. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 77.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.9.0. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.22. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 41.0.1. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.18.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy, python-pathspec and python-trove-classifiers. python-jellyfish: Upgraded to 1.0.0. python-keyring: Upgraded to 24.2.0. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.5.24. Depends on python-calver. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.6.6. shfmt: Upgraded to 3.7.0. smplayer: Upgraded to 23.6.0. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.37. +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 28 18:29:20 UTC 2023 check-jsonschema: Upgraded to 0.23.2. Depends on python-click, python-jsonschema and python-ruamel.yaml. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.5. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.35. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.7.3. libtracefs: Upgraded to 1.7.0. Depends on libtraceevent. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.21. python-diff-cover: Upgraded to 7.6.0. Depends on python-pluggy. python-license-expression: Upgraded to 30.1.1. python-pluggy: Upgraded to 1.2.0. python-pytest: Upgraded to 7.4.0. Depends on python-exceptiongroup, python-iniconfig and python-pluggy. python-regex: Upgraded to 2023.6.3. python-ruamel.yaml: Upgraded to 0.17.32. python-tblib: Upgraded to 2.0.0. python-typing-extensions: Upgraded to 4.6.3. rust-analyzer: Added version 20230626. A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.1.1. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 13.1.5. terraform: Upgraded to 1.5.1. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.35. +--------------------------+ Fri May 19 16:26:31 UTC 2023 kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.29. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.29. +--------------------------+ Fri May 19 09:18:13 UTC 2023 acpica: Upgraded to 20230331. check-jsonschema: Upgraded to 0.23.0. Depends on python-click, python-jsonschema and python-ruamel.yaml. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.9.1. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.40.0. geoipupdate: Upgraded to 5.1.1. gitea: Upgraded to 1.19.3. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.29.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.4. gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.127 kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.28. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libbpf: Upgraded to 1.2.0. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 76.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.8.2. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.3. php-ssh2: Upgraded to 1.4. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.15. pybind11: Upgraded to 2.10.4. python-attrs: Upgraded to 23.1.0. python-beautifulsoup4: Upgraded to 4.12.2. Depends on python-soupsieve and python-lxml. python-confuse: Upgraded to 2.0.1. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 40.0.2. python-flit-core: Upgraded to 3.9.0. Depends on python-tomli-w. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.17.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy, python-pathspec and python-trove-classifiers. python-installer: Upgraded to 0.7.0. python-jellyfish: Upgraded to 0.11.2. python-maturin: Added version 0.14.17. Python buildsystem with rust support. Depends on python-setuptools-rust. python-poetry-core: Upgraded to 1.6.0. python-pytest: Upgraded to 7.3.1. Depends on python-exceptiongroup, python-iniconfig and python-pluggy. python-regex: Upgraded to 2023.5.5. python-ruamel.yaml: Upgraded to 0.17.26. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.6.0. python-soupsieve: Upgraded to 2.4.1. python-shtab: Upgraded to 1.6.1. python-trove-classifiers: Upgraded to 2023.5.2. python-wheel: Upgraded to 0.40.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.5.3. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.11. sof-firmware: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.1.0. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 13.0.0. terraform: Upgraded to 1.4.6. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.44. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.44. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.44_6.1.28. xq: Upgraded to 1.1.4. zoxide: Upgraded to 0.9.1. +--------------------------+ Sat Apr 15 18:20:18 UTC 2023 coturn: Upgraded to 4.6.2. Depends on hiredis. enhancd: Upgraded to 2.5.1. Depends on fzf. geoipupdate: Upgraded to 5.0.3. gitea: Upgraded to 1.19.1. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.3.5. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 23.1.6. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.24. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libgit2: Upgraded to 1.6.4. mkvtoolnix: Recompiled for boost-1.82.0. Depends on cmark. nginx: Upgraded to 1.24.0. njs upgraded to 0.7.12. Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module). php-http: Recompiled for icu4c-73.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.13. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.4.3. scribus: Recompiled for icu4c-73.1. sqlfluff: Upgraded to 2.0.5. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. teleport: Upgraded to 12.2.3. terraform: Upgraded to 1.4.5. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.24. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 9 14:46:15 UTC 2023 enhancd: Upgraded to 2.5.0. Depends on fzf. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.14. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.39.0. gdu: Upgraded to 5.23.0. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.27.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.3. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.23. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.7.2. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 75.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.8.0. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.11. python-calver: Added version 2022.6.26. Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.14.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy, python-pathspec and python-trove-classifiers. python-trove-classifiers: Added version 2023.3.9. Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI. Depends on python-calver. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.4.1. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.10. teleport: Upgraded to 12.2.1. terraform: Upgraded to 1.4.4. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.23. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 26 10:53:07 UTC 2023 check-jsonschema: Added version 0.22.0. A JSON Schema CLI. Depends on python-click, python-jsonschema and python-ruamel.yaml. gitlint: Added version 0.19.1. Linting for your git commit messages. Depends on python-arrow and python-click. python-arrow: Added version 1.2.3. Better dates & times for Python. Depends on python-dateutil. python-dateutil: Added version 2.8.2. Extensions to the standard Python datetime module. python-ruamel.yaml: Added version 0.17.21. YAML parser/emitter. salt-lint: Added version 0.9.2. CLI tool that checks for best practices in SaltStack. Depends on python-pathspec. +--------------------------+ Sat Mar 25 19:25:56 UTC 2023 amarok: Upgraded to git_20230322_4f7c3aff99. Depends on liblastfm. audex: Upgraded to git_20230321_1a880ec. gitea: Upgraded to 1.19.0. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.25.1. just: Added version 1.13.0. A command runner. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.21. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libgit2: Upgraded to 1.6.3. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.2.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.8. python-binaryornot: Added version 0.4.4. Python library to check if a file is binary or text. Added version 4.0. Python library for boolean expressions/algebra. python-click: Added version 8.1.3. Composable command line interface toolkit. python-debian: Added version 0.1.49. Python library around debian packaging. python-diff-cover: Added version 7.5.0. Run coverage and linting reports on diffs. Depends on python-pluggy. python-exceptiongroup: Added version 1.1.1. Backport of python 3.11 exception groups. python-flit-scm: Added version 1.7.0. PEP 518 build support library for SCM version files. Depends on python-flit-core. python-iniconfig: Added version 2.0.0. Python library for parsing of ini files. python-license-expression: Added version 30.1.0. Python library for working with license expressions. python-poetry-core: Added version 1.5.2. Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend. python-pytest: Added version 7.2.2. Python testing framework Depends on python-exceptiongroup, python-iniconfig and python-pluggy. python-regex: Added version 2023.3.23. Alternative regular expression module, to replace re. python-tblib: Added version 1.7.0. Traceback serialization library. reuse: Added version 1.1.2. Tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations. Depends on python-binaryornot,, python-debian, and python-license-expression. sqlfluff: Added version 2.0.2. Modular SQL linter and auto-formatter. Depends on python-attrs, python-click, python-colorama, python-diff-cover, python-pathspec, python-pytest, python-regex, python-tblib, python-toml, python-tqdm and python-typing-extensions. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.21. xq: Added version 1.1.3. Command-line XML and HTML beautifier and content extractor. zoxide: Added version 0.9.0. A smarter cd command. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 19 10:00:30 UTC 2023 geoipupdate: Upgraded to 4.11.1. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.20. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.7. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.11.1. teleport: Upgraded to 12.1.1. terraform: Upgraded to 1.4.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.20. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 12 15:26:26 UTC 2023 github-cli: Upgraded to 2.24.3. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.2. hugo: Upgraded to 0.111.3. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.18. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.6. teleport: Upgraded to 12.1.0. terraform: Upgraded to 1.4.0. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.18. +--------------------------+ Sat Mar 11 21:15:20 UTC 2023 acpica: Upgraded to 20221020. coturn: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. Depends on hiredis. delta: Recompiled against libgit2-1.6.2. graphviz: Recompiled against libnsl-2.0.0. gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.126. hiredis: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.16. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libgit2: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. nextcloud-client: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. nginx: Recompiled against libnsl-2.0.0 and openssl-3.0.8. njs upgraded to 0.7.11. Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module). php-apcu: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-autoload_psr: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-http: Upgraded to 4.2.3. php-imagick: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-msgpack: Upgraded to 2.2.0RC2. php-oauth: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-propro: Removed. php-raphf: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-redis: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. Enabled msgpack serializer. php-ssh2: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-uopz: Upgraded to 7.1.1. php-uuid: Recompiled against php-8.2.3. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.2.0. php81-apcu; Removed. php81-autoload_psr: Removed. php81-http: Removed. php81-imagick: Removed. php81-msgpack: Removed. php81-oauth: Removed. php81-raphf: Removed. php81-redis: Removed. php81-ssh2: Removed. php81-uopz: Removed. php81-uuid: Removed. php81-xdebug: Removed. python-cryptography: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. redis: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. siege: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. tpm2-tss: Recompiled against openssl-3.0.8. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.42. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.42. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.42_6.1.16. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 5 14:05:58 UTC 2023 bats-core: Upgraded to 1.9.0. fd: Upgraded to 8.7.0. flashrom: Upgraded to 1.3.0. Depends on libftdi1. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.12. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fwupd-efi: Upgraded to 1.4. fzf: upgraded to 0.38.0. gdu: Upgraded to 5.22.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.18.5. github-cli: Upgraded to 2.23.0. gitqlient: Upgraded to 1.6.1. golang: Upgraded to 1.20.1. graphviz: Upgraded to 7.1.0. hugo: Upgraded to 0.111.2. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.15. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libcbor: Upgraded to 0.10.2. libgit2: Upgraded to 1.6.2. libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.5. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.1.13. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.11. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 74.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.7.3. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.6.0. php-codesniffer: Upgraded to 3.7.2. php81-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.2.0. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.10.3. python-beautifulsoup4: Upgraded to 4.11.2. Depends on python-soupsieve and python-lxml. python-build: Upgraded to 0.10.0. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 39.0.2. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.13.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-pefile: Added version 2023.2.7. Python module to read and work with PE files python-pep517: Removed. Replaced by python-pyproject-hooks. python-pyproject-hooks: Added version 1.0.0. Call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks python-soupsieve: Upgraded to 2.4. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.65.0. python-typing-extensions: Upgraded to 4.5.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.3.0. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.9. rssguard: Downgraded to 3.2.4. This is the last version that reasonably works for me :-/ starship: Upgraded to 1.13.1. teleport: Upgraded to 12.0.5. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.9. translate-shell: Upgraded to virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_6.1.15. yarn: Added version 1.22.19. Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management +--------------------------+ Sun Jan 29 16:58:23 UTC 2023 mkvtoolnix: Recompiled for new cmark. tpm2-tss: Upgraded to 4.0.1. +--------------------------+ Sat Jan 28 16:22:02 UTC 2023 cmark: Upgraded to 0.30.3. fzf: Upgraded to 0.37.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.18.3. github-cli: Added version 2.22.1. GitHub on the command line. hugo: Upgraded to 0.110.0. iotop-c: Upgraded to 1.23. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.8. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. libgit2: Upgraded to 1.5.1. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.6.6. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.5.2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.9.14. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.11.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.1.3. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.8. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.3.1. scribus: Added version 1.5.8. Professional page layout program. teleport: Upgraded to 11.2.3. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_6.1.8. +--------------------------+ Mon Jan 16 18:37:58 UTC 2023 flashrom: Recompiled. Depends on libftdi1. fzf: Upgraded to 0.36.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.6. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_6.1.6. +--------------------------+ Sat Jan 14 19:11:22 UTC 2023 golang: Upgraded to 1.19.5. graphviz: Upgraded to 7.0.6. hotspot: Upgraded to 1.4.1. Depends on kddockwidgets, kernel-tools, kgraphviewer and qcustomplot. Optionally depends on rustc-demangle at runtime. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.3.3. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.6.6. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 6.1.5. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent, libtracefs and libconfig. kgraphviewer: Upgraded to git_20230113_a86755f. Depends on graphviz. libbpf: Upgraded to 1.1.0. libconfig: Added version 1.7.3. C/C++ library for processing configuration files. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.7.1. libtracefs: Upgraded to 1.6.4. Depends on libtraceevent. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.9.11. teleport: Upgraded to 11.2.1. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_6.1.5. +--------------------------+ Sun Jan 8 19:22:28 UTC 2023 cargo-vendor-filterer: Removed. This is now part of slackware-current. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.9. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. gdu: Upgraded to 5.21.1. gi-docgen: Upgraded to 2023.1. Depends on python-typogrify. libbluray-bdj: Upgraded to 1.3.4. This depends on a JRE at runtime (Built using alienBOB's openjdk). libcbor: Upgraded to 0.10.1. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 73.0.0. Depends on cmark. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.12. python-attrs: Upgraded to 22.2.0. python-colorama: Upgraded to 0.4.6. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 39.0.0. python-hatch-vcs: Upgraded to 0.3.0. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.12.2. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-installer: Upgraded to 0.6.0. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.13.1. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-lxml: Upgraded to 4.9.2. python-mediafile: Upgraded to 0.11.0. Depends on python-mutagen. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.10.3. python-pyrsistent: Upgraded to 0.19.3. python-shtab: Added version 1.5.8. Generate tab completion for python scripts. python-unidecode: Upgraded to 1.3.6. python-wheel: Upgraded to 0.38.4. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.7. sof-firmware: Upgraded to 2.2.4. teleport: Upgraded to 11.2.0. tpm2-tss: Upgraded to 4.0.0. +--------------------------+ Fri Jan 6 17:40:01 UTC 2023 fd: Upgraded to 8.6.0. gdu: Upgraded to 5.21.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.18.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.19.4. hugo: Upgraded to 0.109.0. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.6.4. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.9.7. qownnotes: Upgraded to 23.1.0. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.7. shfmt: Upgraded to 3.6.0. sof-firmware: Upgraded to 2.2.3. starship: Upgraded to 1.12.0. teleport: Upgraded to 11.1.4. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.7. +--------------------------+ Sun Dec 4 18:13:37 UTC 2022 coturn: Upgraded to 4.6.1. Depends on hiredis. delta: Upgraded to 0.15.1. Depends on libgit2. hotspot: Added version git_20221204_8e339f6. The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis. Depends on kddockwidgets, kernel-tools, kgraphviewer and qcustomplot. Optionally depends on rustc-demangle at runtime. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.10. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.17.3. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. qcustomplot: Added version 2.1.0. Qt library for plotting and data visualization. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.12.0. rustc-demangle: Added version 0.1.21. Rust symbol demangling. teleport: Upgraded to 11.1.1. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.6. +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 26 20:24:04 UTC 2022 cargo-vendor-filterer: Added version 0.5.7. Vendor rust libraries based on filters. delta: Added version 0.14.0. A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output. Depends on libgit2. fd: Added version 8.5.2. Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative for find. hugo: Upgraded to 0.107.0. kgraphviewer: Added version git_20221119_c59c4a8. Graphviz DOT graph file viewer. Depends on graphviz. libgit2: Added version 1.5.0. C library for custom Git applications. lsd: Added version 0.23.1. Improved version of ls. noto-fonts-emoji: Added version 2.038. Google's Noto Emoji fonts. nerd-fonts-hack: Added version 2.2.2. Hack font patched with extra icons. nerd-fonts-noto: Added version 2.2.2. Noto fonts patched with extra icons. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.17.1. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.10.2. python-texttable: Upgraded to 1.6.7. starship: Added version 1.11.0. Minimal, blazing-fast, customizable prompt for any shell. +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 19 18:28:05 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.7. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.35.1. gi-docgen: Upgraded to 2022.2. Depends on python-toml and python-typogrify. graphviz: Upgraded to 7.0.2. hiredis: Upgraded to 1.1.0. hugo: Upgraded to 0.106.0. libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.2. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 72.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.6.2. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.9.2. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.11.6. rlwrap: Upgraded to 0.46.1. teleport: Upgraded to 11.0.3. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.5. +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 5 20:52:09 UTC 2022 gdu: Added version 5.20.0. Fast disk usage analyzer with console interface. gmailctl: Added version 0.10.6. Declarative configuration for Gmail filters. golang: Upgraded to 1.19.3. php-http: Recompiled against icu4c-72.1. php81-http: Recompiled against icu4c-72.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.9.1. python-build: Upgraded to 0.9.0. Depends on python-pep517. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 38.0.3. python-flit-core: Upgraded to 3.8.0. Depends on python-tomli-w. python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: Upgraded to 22.8.0. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.17.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.11.0. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-typing-extensions: Upgraded to 4.4.0. python-wheel: Upgraded to 0.38.2. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.11.4. rbtools: Rebuilt. Fix incompatibility with python-importlib_metadata 5.0.0. shfmt: Added version 3.5.1. Format shell programs. teleport: Added version 11.0.1. Identity-aware, multi-protocol access proxy. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.4. +--------------------------+ Sat Oct 29 18:49:50 UTC 2022 bats-assert: Upgraded to 2.1.0. bats-core: Upgraded to 1.8.2. git-filter-repo: Upgraded to 2.38.0. gitea: Upgraded to 1.17.3. gitqlient: Added version 1.5.0. Multi-platform Git client written with Qt. graphviz: Added version 7.0.0. Graph visualization software hugo: Upgraded to 0.105.0. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.3.0. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.5.4. Depends on intel-gmmlib. iotop-c: Added version 1.22. A top utility for I/O. kddockwidgets: Added version 1.6.0. KDAB's Dock Widget Framework for Qt. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.17. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.6.1. Depends on libcloudproviders. nginx: Upgraded to 1.22.1. njs upgraded to 0.7.8. ngx_http_geoip2_module upgraded to 3.4. Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module). phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.11. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.9. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.11.1. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-mutagen: Upgraded to 1.46.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.10.3. rbtools: Upgraded to 4.0. Depends on python-colorama, python-texttable, python-tqdm and python-pydiffx. rlwrap: Upgraded to 0.46. terraform: Upgraded to 1.3.3. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_5.19.17. +--------------------------+ Tue Oct 18 18:33:57 UTC 2022 kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.16. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.10. terraform: Added version 1.3.2. Build and update infrastructure as code. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.40. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.40. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.40_5.19.16. +--------------------------+ Sun Oct 9 17:51:18 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.6. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.34.0. geoipupdate: Upgraded to 4.10.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.19.2. hugo: Upgraded to 0.104.3. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.14. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.1. libmaxminddb: Upgraded to 1.7.1. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 71.1.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.5.0. php-apcu: Added version 5.1.22. APC User Cache for PHP. php81-apcu: Added version 5.1.22. APC User Cache for PHP. php81-msgpack: Upgraded to 2.2.0RC2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.8. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.7. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.10.0. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.5. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.38_5.19.14. +--------------------------+ Sat Sep 24 19:14:14 UTC 2022 bats-assert: Added version 2.0.0. Common assertions for Bats. Depends on bats-core. bats-core: Upgraded to 1.8.0. bats-file: Added version 0.3.0. Filesystem related assertions for Bats. Depends on bats-core. bats-support: Added version 0.3.0. Support library for Bats. Depends on bats-core. coturn: Upgraded to 4.6.0. Depends on hiredis. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.5. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.33.0. gcab: Upgraded to 1.5. gimp-plugin-fourier: Upgraded to 0.4.4. gitea: Upgraded to 1.17.2. golang: Upgraded to 1.19.1. hugo: Upgraded to 0.104.0. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.2.0. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.5.3. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.11. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libbluray-bdj: Upgraded to 1.3.3. This depends on a JRE at runtime (Built using alienBOB's openjdk). libgusb: Upgraded to 0.4.0. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.1.12. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.6.3. libtracefs: Upgraded to 1.5.0 Depends on libtraceevent. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.10. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.6.0. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.6. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.6. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 38.0.1. python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: Upgraded to 22.7.0. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.10.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.16.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.9.3. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-pathspec: Upgraded to 0.10.1. python-pydiffx: Upgraded to 1.1. python-secretstorage: Upgraded to 3.3.3. Depends on python-cryptography. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.5.2. Depends on python-semantic-version and python-typing-extensions. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.64.1. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.9.1. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.5. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.4. sof-firmware: Upgraded to 2.2.2. thermald: Upgraded to 2.5.1. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.38_5.19.11. +--------------------------+ Sun Sep 4 15:57:06 UTC 2022 gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.123. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.6. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.4. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.38. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.38. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.38_5.19.6. +--------------------------+ Sun Aug 21 14:43:06 UTC 2022 gitea: Upgraded to 1.17.1. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.19.2. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libbluray-bdj: Upgraded to 1.3.2. nethogs: Added version 2.8.7. A small 'net top' tool. pybind11: Added version 2.10.0. Seamless operability between C++11 and Python. python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: Added version 22.3.0. Library to create fancy PyPI READMEs. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.8.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.14.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-pep517: Upgraded to 0.13.0. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.5.1. Depends on python-semantic-version and python-typing-extensions. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.8.3. redis: Upgraded to 7.0.4. translate-shell: Upgraded to 0.9.7. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.36_5.19.2. vlc-bdj: Upgraded to 1.3.1. +--------------------------+ Sun Aug 14 13:18:07 UTC 2022 fzf: Upgraded to 0.32.1. gitea: Upgraded to 1.17.0. golang: Upgraded to 1.19. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.18.17. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 70.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.5.4. Depends on libcloudproviders. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.5. protobuf-c: Recompiled for new protobuf. Depends on protobuf. python-attrs: Upgraded to 22.1.0. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.7.1. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.9.1. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.8.2. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.5.0. Depends on python-semantic-version and python-typing-extensions. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.8.1. siege: Upgraded to 4.1.5. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.36_5.18.17. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 24 13:40:59 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.3. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c, fwupd-efi and libcbor. fzf: Upgraded to 0.31.0. gi-docgen: Added version 2022.1. Document generator for GObject-based libraries. Depends on python-toml and python-typogrify. gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.9. golang: Upgraded to 1.18.4. gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.122. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.18.13. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libbpf: Upgraded to 0.8.1. libcbor: Added version 0.9.0. Library for parsing and generating CBOR. libtraceevent: Upgraded to 1.6.2. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.2. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.3. protobuf-c: Upgraded to 1.4.1. Depends on protobuf. python-build: Upgraded to 0.8.0. python-colorama: Upgraded to 0.4.5. python-confuse: Upgraded to 2.0.0. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 37.0.4. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.6.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.7.2. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.7.0. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. python-semantic-version: Upgraded to 2.10.0. python-setuptools-rust: Upgraded to 1.4.1. Depends on python-semantic-version and python-typing-extensions. python-smartypants: Added version 2.0.1. Translate ASCII characters to HTML entities. python-typing-extensions: Upgraded to 4.3.0. python-typogrify: Added version 2.0.7. Python library to enhance web typography Depends on python-smartypants. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.7.6. smplayer: Upgraded to 22.7.0. thermald: Upgraded to 2.5. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.36. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.36. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.36_5.18.13. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 10 13:16:14 UTC 2022 intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.1.5. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.4.4. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.18.10. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 69.0.0. Depends on cmark. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.5.2. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.8.0. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.4.1. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.6.2. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-lxml: Upgraded to 4.9.1. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.7.1. sof-firmware: Upgraded to 2.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.18.10. +--------------------------+ Sat Jun 25 10:20:23 UTC 2022 kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.18.6. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. php81-autoload_psr: Added version 0.2.0. php-autoload_psr for PHP 8.1. php81-http: Added version 4.2.3. php-http for PHP 8.1. Depends on php81-raphf. php81-imagick: Added version 3.7.0. php-imagick for PHP 8.1. php81-msgpack: Added version 2.2.0RC1. php-msgpack for PHP 8.1. php81-oauth: Added version 2.0.7. php-oauth for PHP 8.1. php81-raphf: Added version 2.0.1. php-raphf for PHP 8.1. php81-redis: Added version 5.3.7. php-redis for PHP 8.1. php81-ssh2: Added version 1.3.1. php-ssh2 for PHP 8.1. php81-uopz: Added version 7.1.1. php-uopz for PHP 8.1. php81-uuid: Added version 1.2.0. php-uuid for PHP 8.1. php81-xdebug: Added version 3.1.5. php-xdebug for PHP 8.1. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.7.15. protobuf: Upgraded to 21.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.18.6. +--------------------------+ Sun Jun 19 13:10:34 UTC 2022 hugo: Upgraded to 0.101.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.18.5. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 68.0.0. Depends on cmark. php-codesniffer: Upgraded to 3.7.1. php-http: Upgraded to 3.3.0. Depends on php-propro and php-raphf. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.1.5. phpdraft: Upgraded to 2.4.2. Depends on drafter. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.7.14. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 4.6.0. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.6.0. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.6.1. rbtools: Upgraded to 3.1.1. Depends on python-colorama, python-texttable, python-tqdm and python-pydiffx. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.18.5. +--------------------------+ Sun Jun 5 15:13:14 UTC 2022 golang: Upgraded to 1.18.3. hugo: Upgraded to 0.100.1. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.12. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. nginx: Recompiled for perl-5.36.0. Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module). phpstan: Upgraded to 1.7.10. python-hatch-vcs: Added version 0.2.0. VCS plugin for hatch. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.3.1. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-lxml: Upgraded to 4.9.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.6.0. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.3. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.17.12. +--------------------------+ Sun May 29 13:43:40 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.1. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c and fwupd-efi. geoipupdate: Added version 4.9.0. GeoIP datebase update program. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.11. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libmaxminddb: Added version 1.6.0. Library for reading MaxMind DB files. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.9. nginx: Upgraded to 1.22.0. Added some external modules to the package: - ngx_http_geoip2_module - ngx-fancyindex - ngx-sass-module - njs Optionally depends on libmaxminddb (for the geoip2 module) phpstan: Upgraded to 1.7.3 protobuf: Upgraded to 21.1. protobuf-c: Recompiled for protobuf-21.1. Depends on protobuf. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.3.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-keyring: Upgraded to 23.5.1. Depends on python-secretstorage and python-jeepney. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.5.3. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.17.11. +--------------------------+ Sun May 22 14:10:00 UTC 2022 bats-core: Upgraded to 1.7.0. bdsup2sub++: Upgraded to git_20220522_5f8c159. gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.8. golang: Upgraded to 1.18.2. hugo: Upgraded to 0.99.1. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.9. Depends on libbpf, libtraceevent and libtracefs. libbpf: Added version 0.8.0. Library for working with eBPF programs/objects. libtraceevent: Added version 1.6.0. Linux kernel trace event library. libtracefs: Added version 1.4.0. Linux kernel trace file system library. Depends on libtraceevent. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.5.1. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.6.9. python-cryptography: Upgraded to 37.0.2. python-editables: Upgraded to 0.3. python-hatchling: Upgraded to 1.2.0. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-jsonschema: Upgraded to 3.5.1. Depends on python-attrs and python-pyrsistent. python-pyrsistent: Upgraded to 0.18.1. python-secretstorage: Upgraded to 3.3.2. Depends on python-cryptography. python-soupsieve: Upgraded to 2.3.2.post1. python-typing-extensions: Upgraded to 4.2.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.5.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.17.9. +--------------------------+ Sun May 8 15:20:10 UTC 2022 python-importlib-metadata: Removed. Included in slackware-current now. python-zipp: Removed. Included in slackware-current now. +--------------------------+ Sun May 8 15:05:27 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.8.0. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c and fwupd-efi. fwupd-efi: Upgraded to 1.3. gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.7. hugo: Upgraded to 0.98.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.5. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.5.0. Depends on libcloudproviders. nextcloud-notify-push: Upgraded to 0.4.0. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.6.7. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.5.0. redis: Upgraded to 6.2.7. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.2. thermald: Added version 2.4.9. Linux Thermal Daemon. This is adapted from the SBo SlackBuild maintained by Willy Sudiarto Raharjo. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.17.5. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 24 14:25:00 UTC 2022 acpica: Upgraded to 20220331. gimp-plugin-fourier: Added version 0.4.3_3. Fourier transformation plugin for GIMP. gimp-script-descreen: Added version 1.0. GIMP Descreen Script. Depends on gimp-plugin-fourier. gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.6. golang: Upgraded to 1.18.1. gsoap: Upgraded to 2.8.121. hiredis: Upgraded to 1.0.2. hugo: Upgraded to 0.97.3. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.4. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 67.0.0. Depends on cmark. php-http: Upgraded to 3.2.5. Depends on php-propro and php-raphf. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.5.7. protobuf: Upgraded to 3.20.1. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.4.2. redis: Upgraded to 6.2.6. sof-firmware: Upgraded to 2.1.1. virtualbox: Upgraded to 6.1.34. Depends on gsoap and virtualbox-kernel. virtualbox-addons: Upgraded to 6.1.34. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.34_5.17.4. +--------------------------+ Mon Apr 11 18:38:07 UTC 2022 python-cryptography: Added version 36.0.2. Python cryptography library. python-importlib-metadata: Added version 4.11.3. Library to access python library metadata. Depends on python-typing-extensions and python-zipp. python-jeepney: Added version 0.8.0. Pure python D-Bus bindings. python-keyring: Added version 23.5.0. Python library for storing passwords. Depends on python-secretstorage, python-jeepney and python-importlib-metadata. python-secretstorage: Added version 3.3.1. Python bindings for the Secret Service D-Bus API. Depends on python-cryptography. python-semantic-version: Added version 2.9.0. Python library to handle SemVer. python-setuptools-rust: Added version 1.2.0. Setuptools plugin for Rust extensions. Depends on python-semantic-version and python-typing-extensions. python-typing-extensions: Added version 4.1.1. Backported and Experimental Type Hints. python-wheel: Added version 0.37.1. Python wheel packaging standard reference library. python-zipp: Added version 3.8.0. Python library for accessing Zip files. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 10 14:40:30 UTC 2022 fwupd: Upgraded to 1.7.7. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c and fwupd-efi. fzf: Upgraded to 0.30.0. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.2. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.1.11. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.8. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.5.4. php-xdebug: Upgraded to 3.1.4. protobuf-c: Recompiled for new protobuf. Depends on protobuf. python-beautifulsoup4: Upgraded to 4.11.1. Depends on python-soupsieve and python-lxml. python-editables: Added version 0.2. Python library for building editable wheels. python-hatchling: Added version 0.22.0. Python build system. Depends on python-editables, python-pluggy and python-pathspec. python-pathspec: Added version 0.9.0. Python library for pattern matching of file paths. python-pluggy: Added version 1.0.0. A minimalist production ready plugin system. python-soupsieve: Upgraded to 2.3.2. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.64.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.4.0. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.32_5.17.2. +--------------------------+ Sat Apr 2 14:46:18 UTC 2022 intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.3.1. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.1. mkvtoolnix: Upgraded to 66.0.0. Depends on cmark. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.5.3. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.32_5.17.1. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 27 10:29:02 UTC 2022 gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.5. golang: Upgraded to 1.18. hugo: Upgraded to 0.96.0. intel-gmmlib: Upgraded to 22.1.2. intel-media-driver: Upgraded to 22.3.0. Depends on intel-gmmlib. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.17.0. libbluray-bdj: Upgraded to 1.3.1. libcloudproviders: Upgraded to 0.3.1. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.4.4. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.5.0. protobuf: Upgraded to 3.20.0. python-pydiffx: Added version 1.0.1. Python library for DiffX. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.63.1. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.3.4. rbtools: Upgraded to 3.0. Depends on python-colorama, python-texttable, python-tqdm and python-pydiffx. rssguard: Upgraded to 4.2.1. siege: Upgraded to 4.1.2. smplayer: Upgraded to 22.2.0. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.32_5.17.0. vlc-bdj: Added version 1.3.0. Java Runtime Library for Bluray Disk Menues. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 20 16:20:40 UTC 2022 beets: Added version 1.6.0. Media library management system for obsessive music geeks. Depends on python-confuse, python-mediafile, python-unidecode, python-musicbrainzngs, python-jellyfish and python-munkres isrcsubmit: Added version 2.1.0. Python script to submit ISRCs to MusicBrainz. Depends on python-musicbrainzngs and python-discid. plasma-translator: Added version 0.8. Plasma UI for translate-shell. Depends on translate-shell and xsel. python-beautifulsoup4: Added version 4.10.0. Python HTML/XML Parser. Depends on python-soupsieve and python-lxml. python-build: Added version 0.7.0. A simple, correct PEP517 package builder. Depends on python-pep517. python-confuse: Added version 1.7.0. Python configuration library using YAML. python-discid: Added version 1.2.0. Python bindings for libdiscid. python-flit-core: Added version 3.7.1. Python build system. Depends on python-tomli-w. python-installer: Added version 0.5.1. Library for installing Python packages from wheels. python-jellyfish: Added version 0.9.0. Approximate & phonetic matching of strings. python-langdetect: Added version 1.0.9. Python language detection library. python-lxml: Added version 4.8.0. Python bindings for libxml2/libxslt. python-mediafile: Added version 0.9.0. Python library for handling audio metadata tags. Depends on python-mutagen. python-munkres: Added version 1.1.4. Python implementation of the Munkres algorithm python-musicbrainzngs: Added version 0.7.1. Python bindings for the MusicBrainz API. python-mutagen: Added version 1.45.1. Python library for handling audio metadata. python-pep517: Added version 0.12.0. Python library for PEP 517 and PEP 660. python-soupsieve: Added version 2.3.1. CSS selector library designed for BeautifulSoup4. python-tomli-w: Added version 1.0.0. Python library for writing TOML. python-unidecode: Added version 1.3.4. Library for ASCII transliterations of Unicode text rlwrap: Added version 0.45.2. Adds readline-style editing and history to programs. translate-shell: Added version Command-line Translator. xsel: Added version git_20220310_9fc4e3e. Manipulate the X selection. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 13 15:17:47 UTC 2022 gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.3. golang: Upgraded to 1.17.8. hugo: Upgraded to 0.94.2. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.16.14. nextcloud-client: Upgraded to 3.4.3. Depends on libcloudproviders. phpstan: Upgraded to 1.4.9. python-tqdm: Upgraded to 4.63.0. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.3.2. virtualbox-kernel: Upgrade to 6.1.32_5.16.14. +--------------------------+ Sun Feb 27 15:12:21 UTC 2022 bats-core: Upgraded to 1.6.0. fwupd: Upgraded to 1.7.6. Depends on libxmlb, gcab, libjcat, libgusb, tpm2-tss, libsmbios, flashrom, protobuf-c and fwupd-efi. fwupd-efi: Upgraded to 1.2. gitea: Upgraded to 1.16.2. golang: Upgraded to 1.17.7. hugo: Upgraded to 0.92.2. kernel-tools: Upgraded to 5.16.11. libjcat: Upgraded to 0.1.10. libxmlb: Upgraded to 0.3.7. php-autoload_psr: Upgraded to 0.2.0. php-redis: Upgraded to 5.3.7. qownnotes: Upgraded to 22.2.10. tpm2-tss: Upgraded to 3.2.0. virtualbox-kernel: Upgraded to 6.1.32_5.16.11. +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 23 19:49:10 UTC 2022 Branching off the repo for Slackware64 15.0